Andrew and Jerry and The Great American Rope-a-Dope!

Hunter Biden is convicted of a series of felonies and the major media uses this as an opportunity to prop up the Bidens.  But this is but one example of the rope-a-dope being played against the American people.  Jerry tells a story about the collapse of the rule of law visiting upon his family in a very personal way.  This leads into a discussion of the two-tiered system of justice in America and the weaponization of the law for politics, and how the flowering of lawfare today had its seeds planted during the Obama years: Operation Choke Point, the harassment and prosecution of Chris Christie and his aides - and how that prosection laid the groundwork for using a financial services law (Sarbanes-Oxley) to go after J6 rioters (and those who were merely "Rioter adjacent").  

Speaking of J6 - video has surfaced (finally) of Nancy Pelosi taking responsibility for the chaos on Capitol Hill on January 6, and this leads to a discussion of coups and insurrection, and the affirmative undermining of a presidency by people in the bureaucracy.

And the Supreme Court rules, in another 9-0 decision, that the FDA's approval of an abortion drug can stand.  But this will not quell the left's lies about the court having an out-of-control ideological slant.

Finally, Andrew talks about his high school reunion - and how the potentially well-meaning implementation of "diversity" policies and programs can lead to intense divisions in a community years later.
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